The hack has 100 levels just like the regular Super Monkey Ball 2 but it's considerably more difficult, especially the final world which is deviously hard even for the two runners. Monkeyed Ball is a ROM hack of Super Monkey Ball 2 created by Darkomni. Watch The Mexican Runner's speedrun of Cuphead → Cuphead is known for its hard yet creative bosses Race: Monkeyed Ball The difficulty in Cuphead is not to be underestimated but The Mexican Runner does a great job of dispatching each boss with ease. It makes sense that such a beautiful game makes for an excellent one to watch as a spectator as well. Everything is brimming with creativity, especially the numerous bosses. Watch the Metroid Zero Mission Race → The Mexican Runner: CupheadĬuphead is a 2017 action platformer with a beautiful hand-drawn art style. If a YouTube comment is to be believed, it was because his Gamecube's internal fan broke during the run.

Unfortunately, dragonfangs' run was cut short because of hardware issues. Overall, this race was a very close one and featured a strong performance from CScottyW who was just a minute off world record pace. For the unfamiliar, Zero Mission is a 2004 remake of the original NES Metroid for Game Boy Advance. I'm a fan of Metroid races and this year's Zero Mission race was fantastic. Watch Boyks' speedrun of Pepsiman → Product placement at its finest Race: Metroid Zero Mission How did this ever reach store shelves? I thought product placement in video games was illegal or something. If you're not aware, you play as Pepsiman who goes around restocking vending machines and giving Pepsi to people stuck in a burning building and plane crash survivors in a desert in Texas. Shout-outs to the couch guys who had to explain the absurd plot and to Pepsi Bot who donated while kindly reminding the broadcasters that they should consume 96 ounces of Pepsi to maintain optimum hydration. However, it's on this list because of the great commentary on Boyks' speedrun.

Watch GVirus' speedrun of Axiom Verge → Axiom Verge Review Boyks: Pepsiman
Axiom Verge is full of very dangerous enemies and at times, health is scarce but GVirus did a great job of not dying. Throughout the game, you collect a lot of sweet items like the teleporter which teleports you through walls and the address disruptor which lets you edit certain blocks in the world so you can stand on them. To be honest, I've never seen Axiom Verge before this marathon but it seems like a fun and interesting game that I'll keep my eye on. Watch SNeaky's speedrun of High Hell → You can pick your character's face in High Hell GVirus: Axiom VergeĪxiom Verge is a 2015 game that's a love letter to Metroidvanias. The $1500 donation incentive for this game was that viewers could switch the character's face with SNeaky's but since it's a first-person game, you only see his face for around one second when he finds a mirror money well spent! I enjoyed High Hell not so much because of SNeaky's execution (which was very good) but because High Hell looks like an awesome indie game and I like watching interesting new indies. Speedrunning High Hell relies a lot on memorising the location of enemies and developing muscle memory so you can dispatch them effectively. High Hell is a neon-coloured shooter with 21 stages. v1d30chumz 194-143-137-78 Watch roncli's speedrun of Sublevel Zero Redux → Sublevel Zero Redux Review SNeaky: High Hell I hope to see more randomly generated games at future events because I think it's an unexplored genre in speedrunning.

This is possibly the only procedurally generated game in the entire marathon and it's interesting to hear how roncli deals with the random map generation while he expects to find keys and chooses what weapons to craft depending on the random resources. I'm starting this list off with Sublevel Zero Redux, a game that plays very much like Everspace which I'm a huge fan of. │ Like you, Video Chums despises clickbait so you won't find any divisive content or articles that fuel the console wars here. This year's Summer Games Done Quick recently wrapped up so allow me to count down the best speedruns and races from the event. Written by Alex Legard for Miscellaneous Top 10s on July 5, 2018