
Macgamestore borderlands 2
Macgamestore borderlands 2

However, Gearbox should not stop there, as it could add additional Crew Challenges to the mix. Obviously, Borderlands 4 can and should bring back the existing Crew Challenge types, especially the replayable fights against hunt and assassination targets. Even seeing Hammerlock’s room fill up with Trophies or Zer0’s bounty board get checked off is satisfying, with Gearbox making sure that all the Crew Challenges have satisfying payoffs. Players receive strong weapons after doing all the hunts for Hammerlock and assassinations for Zer0, while they are treated to a funny narrative moment for putting Claptrap’s would-be girlfriend together. The bigger upside to Borderlands 3's Crew Challenges is that they feel genuinely rewarding. With Crew Challenges, players have a few different things to do whenever they load into a new place, which pushes them to be thorough when clearing out a map. In other Borderlands games, players have no reason to return to a map when its quests are complete besides boss farming, which typically only sees them reloading one small chunk of a map. One obvious benefit of the Crew Challenges in Borderlands 3 is that they add depth to each map, giving players some legitimate things to do in each location.


While Crew Challenges are nothing new to gaming, they are fresh for the Borderlands series specifically, and the brief little objectives have a few clear strengths. On each map, players have to find Claptrap parts, go on rare hunts for Sir Hammerlock, or carry out an assassination for the lovable and mysterious Zer0. The best way to think about Crew Challenges in Borderlands 3 is to picture the checklist-style objectives seen in Ubisoft’s open-world games. RELATED: If Anointed Guns Return in Borderlands 4, One Other Borderlands 3 Mechanic is Needed on Day One The Benefits of Borderlands 3’s Crew Challenges However, one advantage Borderlands 3’s play spaces do have are Crew Challenges, something that Borderlands 4 can take to new heights. These complaints extended to the various maps on Borderlands 3’s planets, with many feeling that areas like The Droughts are too easy to get lost in while also lacking the personality of Lynchwood, Caustic Caverns, or Frostburn Canyon. Upon release, one thing that many were quick to point out is how hard Sanctuary 3 is to traverse, as unlike the previous version of Sanctuary, it is easy to get lost and hard to determine which direction is the right one. However, there were areas where Borderlands 3 lacked a bit, with one being map design. The game’s visual style was perfected in this entry too, and gun variety is excellent. Movement feels great, the Vault Hunters have far more depth than those seen in the other games, and quality-of-life features allow players to gather lost loot or send friends items through the in-game mail system. Borderlands 3 is a truly interesting game, as in many ways, it towers over the other entries in the franchise.

Macgamestore borderlands 2