Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Konami Video game, game logo, game, company, text png 2000x454px 48.5KB.Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Metal Gear Survive Video Games FOXHOUND, metal gear solid emblem, game, emblem, label png 1498x1600px 436.66KB.

Hideo Kojima Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Big Boss Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Metal Gear Survive, game, boss, video Game png 1280x720px 1.44MB.military male character holding pistol and knife, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, metal gear, video Game, infantry, troop png 1268x3844px 5.29MB.Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Solid Snake, HEAVEN, emblem, logo, video Game png 984x811px 139.04KB.Once the game gets back to the loading screen the achievement should unlock.ĭo note that you can decrease the bond if you get your buddies "killed", as they will be extracted, by either enemy fire or friendly fire primarily from explosives. IF in fact you do have the meter all filled up but the achievement didn't pop because you got all your buddy progress (or got the last bit needed by doing a side-op) you need to redeploy and then extract yourself inside of freeroam via helicopter, do not just return to ACC after you hit a checkpoint because the achievement will not unlock. Now you can see their progress at the end of main missions as well as at the sortie screen. Now how do you increase the bond of a buddy (sans D-Walker as it is a robot)? Well you do main missions with them as well as side-ops running around the overworld of Afghanistan and Africa.

Please note that this is a similar solution that I'm posting in the other two bond achievements as well. Now this is quite an easy achievement to get, it just takes some time to do. Do it and when you extract you'll have her added to your buddy roster after a cutscene. After you do a few main missions (for me it was at mission 15's unlock) you'll get a side-op to visit her at Mother Base. To use her commands, hold and use the to choose a command. As you increase her bond, you will unlock more commands and equipment to use with her. It works similar to the helicopter extraction points, as you can only have her go to predetermined points on the map. To use Quiet's scouting and overwatch abilities, go to the map screen on your iDroid and press up/down on the d-pad until the "Scout" or "Attack" option is chosen.

You can check your bond level with your buddies by highlighting them on the Select Buddy option in the Mission Prep screen, or upon completing a Mission on the bottom left of the ranking screen. Once you max her bond rating, the achievement will unlock. As with the other buddies, using her will increase her bond with you.

Once you have her as a buddy, simply take her with you on every mission, side op, or free roam you do. After you talk to him, Quiet will now be an available buddy. Complete a few more missions (for me it was after completing Mission 14), and Ocelot will ask you to come back to base. This happened to me after completing Mission 12. Once she's at Mother Base, return there after each mission, until you get a cutscene where Miller stops her from accompanying you on a mission. *** Spoiler - click to reveal *** If you miss the chance to take her to Mother Base by killing her, you can always redo the mission and extract her instead.